Environmental Monitoring

Is someone creating a nuisance in your area? We are equipped with calibrated noise, dust and vibration monitors with data logging facilities that can record such activities even when nobody is present to do so or when everybody is asleep or at least trying to do so. Our vibration monitors are equipped with 3G modems to allow remote operation and data download.

Monitoring the quality of the environment

Environmental monitoring is used in the preparation of environmental impact assessments, as well as in many circumstances in which human activities carry a risk of harmful effects on the natural environment.

Monitoring of the natural environment establishes the baseline status of an environment or establishes trends in environmental parameters. The results of monitoring are reviewed, analysed statistically and reported on accordingly.
● Exposure to dust in the workplace has a potential impact on the short- and long-term health of human and animal life. We have a range of solutions to help you manage this occupational risk.
Vibration monitoring is often required to determine the effect of construction activities on neighbouring structures or services. Our state-of-the-art instrumentation enables us to measure peak particle velocity, acceleration, displacement, and frequency with respect to structural damage levels.
● On many major projects the local authorities require detailed information regarding site works, method of construction as well as noise levels being generated during the different phases of a given project. We have the equipment required for such analysis.

Call us to see how we can help you monitor your environment.


Company registration No.: C 33162          VAT No.: MT1695-3537

Last updated on 14.06.23

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