External calibrations

Solidbase is pleased to announce collaborating with ToRoPoL, an ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory based in Poland to offer its services in Malta

With over 30 years' experience in the trade, ToRoPoL are suitably placed to provide calibration services to the local building and construction industry

After they were vetted and approved, Solidbase organised a round of calibrations for local contractors' laboratories using ToRoPoL. Having been very satisfied with the services rendered in that equipment was serviced and, where required, adjusted, Solidbase partnered up with ToRoPoL to provide their services locally. Solidbase will organise calibration visits on a yearly basis and will contact stakeholders on a yearly basis. Feel free to submit an expression of interest on our contact us page.

Why ToRoPoL

ToRoPoL provide external calibration services to laboratories in the building and construction sector. We selected ToRoPoL because:


Track history

Our suppliers gave them a positive review. ToRoPoL represent many renowned brands, many of which have sold equipment in Malta.


Price and availability

While providing the most cost-effective service in Europe, they carry out adjustment and maintenance on test equipment, services many others shy away from.



ISO 17025 accreditation and calibration equipment traceable to national standards is a must for every external calibration service provider.

Calibration services offered

Force: compression up to 5,000 kN

Force: tensile up to 300 kN

Concrete machines (compression / bending / cement frames)

Load measurement and load transfer

Force in most universal testing machines

Extensometers and crossbeam movement for UTM machines

LVDT sensors and displacement transducers

Analogue and digital dial gauges

Pressure sensors and pressure gauges up to 60 bar

Laboratory sieves

Maintenance on compression machines: replacement of gaskets, hoses, leak repairs, cleaning of self-levelling mechanisms, etc

Please feel free to peruse ToRoPoL's scope of accreditation which is downloadable from the Polish Center for Accreditation, Polskie Centrum Akredytacji.

Please take come time to visit www.toropol.pl/en to get to know them better, to see what services they offer, and which brands they represent.

Company registration No.: C 33162          VAT No.: MT1695-3537

Last updated on 14.06.23

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