Site: undisclosed
Test: Pulse echo pile integrity testing
As suggested by ASTM-D5882, integrity testing should be performed no sooner than 7 days after casting and a sufficient pile section should be removed to reach sound concrete. In the graph, the red horizontal axis indicates depth in meters and the blue axis shows wave travelling time in milliseconds.
Esplora Interactive Science Centre, Kalkara
The main objective of this investigation was to determine the geological profile of the site. Site investigation carried out in accordance with BS 5930:1999 “Code of practice for site investigations." Included drilling five boreholes with full core recovery to a depth of 43 metres,
The investigation comprised of drilling, sampling, laboratory testing, and an interpretative report investigation by one of our warranted geotechnical engineers.
Palumbo Malta shipyard, Paola
Desktop study backed up by invasive ground investigation in the area around the existing dock, where an extension to this same dock was being proposed, the investigation characterised rock formations. Drilling depth of 111 metres. Total Core Recovery (TCR), the Solid Core Recovery (SCR) and the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) were plotted for all boreholes to the correct elevation levels. Overall cost of this project was €11,000.
Redevelopment of Water Polo Club, Valletta
The objective of this investigation was to determine the geological profile on site inclusive of both made ground and natural materials. Sixteen boreholes with full core recovery were drilled to a total drilling depth of 183.5 metres.
Overall cost of this project was €4 million.
SITE NAME Project description.
Built with Mobirise